Nuneaton Deanery

News and upcoming events

To add your event (Nuneaton Deanery only) send an email to the Deanery Secretary 

Nuneaton Deanery - Upcoming events this Advent

Holy Trinity, Attleborough CV11 4TS

Duggie Dug Dug's Nativity Delivery

Thursday 5th December 6.00-7.15pm 

Tickets can be bought from:

Adult Ticket £5.00

Child Ticket (3-17 years) £3.50

Family Ticket £18.00 One adult and 4 or more children, or two adults and 3 or more children.

Tiny Ticket (0-2 years) FREE Seated on carer's laps please

St Lawrence, Ansley CV10 0QR 

Christmas Tree Festival

The event will commence on Saturday 7th December and will be open each weekend up to Christmas. 

Saturdays 11am - 5pm and Sundays noon - 5 pm

Admission £2. All accompanied children free

60 Christmas Trees Decorated by the Community

Light Refreshments Available

In aid of Church Funds and a donation to Mary Ann Evans Hospice

More details:

St Mary & All Saints, Fillongley CV7 8ES 

Christmas Tree Festival

2 weekends

Nov 30th, Dec 1st

Dec 7th, Dec 8th

All Welcome

Refreshments Available 

Nuneaton Deanery...  where, what and who....

Nuneaton Deanery is the northernmost outpost of the Diocese of Coventry and has a population of 139,761 with a total area of 19,919 hectares.  Over 20 parishes lie within the Deanery. The Deanery Synod is a council of parish representatives, both lay and clerical, convened by the Area Dean.  

Area Dean Revd David Poultney 

Assistant Area Dean Revd Alison Evans

Lay Chair Mr David Spiers

Deanery Churches

World Humanitarian Day

shared by Neva Khan, Deanery & Diocesan Synod member and Senior Programme Manager (World Vision)

I’m excited to share with you a wonderful story the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development (FCDO) & World Vision have posted on social media today in honour of World Humanitarian Day. The story is a powerful video highlighting the story of Thamindri Da Silva (National Director of WV Afghanistan). As you may know, Afghanistan is a country where nearly 300 million people are in need of humanitarian aid this year. 

 Frontline heroes like Thamindri, make a vital difference. On World Humanitarian Day, we honour the courage of those who risk their lives daily to provide lifesaving support. Their bravery must be protected and honoured. 

Please find below the link to the video:

St Botolph's Burton Hastings

Harvest Festival Weekend 12th - 14th Oct

Harvest Festival weekend starts with a Coffee Morning on Saturday the 12th at 10:30am and then a Harvest Festival Evening Service at 6:30pm on Sunday the 13th. Finally, on Monday the 14th there will be an auction of the harvest goods, as usual, presided by a local cattle auctioneer and this starts at 7:30pm. 

If you have anything to donate, for example, unwanted gifts for the white elephant, cakes, prizes for the raffle stall or harvest goods (fresh vegs or fruit), please bring them along with you! 


Ansley Church

60th and Final Flower Festival

Theme: Titles

Saturday 24th  August church open 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

Sunday 25th August   10.30 am Holy Communion

Sunday 25th August church open 12.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Monday 26th August church open 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

Monday 26th August   5.30 pm Thanksgiving Service

We will be accepting donations for the individual tapestry flowers that were made by people from around the world for the ‘Bouquet of Flowers’ Christmas Tree in 2021. Also on sale will be the newly produced book of photographs Ansley & Arley Past and Present. 

More information is in the text below.


News and other events this triennium


St Botolph's Church, Burton Hastings

Flower Festival, theme: Musicals of Stage and Screen

Friday 28th June at 7.00pm 

Grand opening and Preview, tickets £10


Saturday and Sunday 29th and 30th June, free entrance

Church open 10.30am – 4.30pm


Tickets and more - see poster

All Saints’ Church, Bedworth

Myriad taster evening

Support and training for new worshipping communities

June 25th at 7:30pm

All Saints’ Church, Bedworth

Growing Faith Prayer and Worship night

encouragement and prayer for all working with young people and Families 

June 26th at 7:30pm

St Paul’s Church, Stockingford

Summer Gala

Sunday 23rd June

12:30 - 2:00pm

Free Entry

St Peter's Church, Mancetter

Summer Fayre 

Saturday 15th June

12:00 noon - 3:00 pm

With stalls, refreshments

Everyone welcome

Deanery Gathering ...

... with Bishop Ruth Worsley at St James' Church, Bulkington, 13th March 2024 at 7:30pm 

Bishop Ruth is spending two days in Nuneaton Deanery and at the end of the two days we would like to invite anybody who worships in Nuneaton Deanery to join us. 

There will be an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and hear the latest updates for our Deanery. 

Poster for printing

Church of St John Baptist, Wolvey LE10 3JD 

Christmas Tree Festival 2023: Oh Christmas Tree!

St John Baptist Church, Wolvey, invites you to its Christmas Tree Festival. Trees have been decorated by local groups in a celebration of favourite Christmas carols. 

Open (Refreshments available):

(Car parking on School Lane, via The Square.)

More details on the poster...

St Laurence Church Ansley CV10 0QR Christmas Tree Festival 2023

The festival commences on Saturday 2nd December and will be open the three weekends up to Christmas. Saturdays 11am – 5pm and Sundays 12 noon – 5pm. The church can also be opened by arrangement for groups during the week. Details and poster follow...

St Mary and All Saints Church Fillongley

Christmas Tree Festival December 2023

Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd and Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th 

Friday 1st Grand Opening. More details in the poster

For earlier news and events, please see archive